I dunno. When I gaze at my wife's fine badonkadonk, I be thinkin He put a LOT of work into that spectacular feat of engineering...
Looks like preferential treatment to me...
Just sayin...
I dunno. When I gaze at my wife's fine badonkadonk, I be thinkin He put a LOT of work into that spectacular feat of engineering...
Looks like preferential treatment to me...
Just sayin...
morning warship - he was the only restraint and i'm not saying that lightly.
i know there are a dozen others here who were in bethel back in the early 2000's who know what i'm talking about.
he actually kept me thinking this was jehovah's org because of his sincerity as if the holy spirit was operating in him.
Excerpt from my book "Journey to God's House" - Chapter "My GB can lick your GB"
Back in those days, two other Governing Body members George Gangas and Dan Sydlik were still alive and walked the Bethel halls as well. These two Governing Body members could not have been more different from each other. Now, keep in mind when reading the following stories that Governing Body members were practically worshiped among Jehovah's Witnesses, as there was no one higher on the JW food chain than they were. Besides, it was thought that they had a direct line of communication with God Himself. How could you be bigger than that? It was like hobnobbing with Moses or Abraham.
Dan Sydlik at the time usually played the voice of God in most of the convention dramas. (As mentioned before, conventions were large annual gatherings of Jehovah's Witnesses.) The JWs who ran these conventions often re-enacted various Bible stories through mini plays (called dramas) and everybody in these dramas dressed up like ancient Israelites to make the stories more realistic. Those dramatic stories were retold through realistic sets, acting, music, and so on. It turns out that Brother Sydlik used to be the favorite voice of God in these dramas since he was a large man with a big booming voice, not unlike what it might sound like if you took the actor James Earl Jones and plugged him into an amplifier.
I can practically hear Sydlik now in the drama about Moses and the burning bush: "Moeeeses, Moeeeeses! Do not coooome neeeear heeeere. Remoooove the saaandals from your feeeet."
Dan Sydlik had a very self confident, outgoing personality. He walked powerfully and spoke with authority, even more so than most of the other GB. He also had a wife about half his age, which always tickled us young Bethelites. At least one GB was probably having hot sex in their room, we thought.
One day he gave a special invitation-only "New Boys" talk to us first year Bethelites. In this talk, he mentioned that we all needed to "roooound out our personaaaalities because Jehoooovah doesn't like squaaaare things." He said, "Look at naaaature, nothing is square in naaaature, this shows God loves smoooothness." Interesting I thought. I went up to him after that talk and making my way through the crowd surrounding him, I said:
Me: Loved the talk Brother Sydlik. But, regarding the square things in nature issue, I can think of something square in nature.
Sydlik: [eyeballs me for a second] Ohhhhhhh? Whaaaat?
Me: [confidently] Sodium Chloride. Table salt. It's a perfect cube. [I smile]
Sydlik: [grabs my tie and pulls me closer to his face] Whaaat's your naame boooy? If you're wronnng, there's a job chaaange in it for you! [playing at being mad]
Crowd: HaHaHaHa.
Me: [smiling, knowing he is playing] My name is Brock, sir. And it's Sodium Chloride. [now tickled pink with this]
Sydlik: [letting go of me seeing as I am getting the joke that he's pretending to be mad at me] Har, har, har! Gooood one boy! [walks off]
I liked both Sydlik and Gangas, as they were real people and did and acted pretty much as they pleased, but in a good way. They seemed completely oblivious to the stodgy, careful, and calculated way many "Bethel Heavies" handled themselves. ("Heavies" meant important people like the GB or the many Bethel "committee" members.) They also seemed to have a genuine love of people that I didn't see in many of the other prominent Bethelites at that time.
they are doing it again.. a new group trying to boost membership is adding people without permission.. "ex-jehovah's witnesses aka behind the veil of jw.org" added me this afternoon.
they were bragging about how quickly they grew to over 2000 members.
i quickly exited the group.
Tim Nasson force-added me to one of his Facebooks groups, and then blasted me with F-bomb laden rantings multiple dimes a day through it. He subsequently dropped me from the group within a few days.
The reason he dropped me was because he thought I was involved in one of the many mean-spirited fights he picks with random people. So, he left me a vulgar message as he "banned me" from his group, one I didn't consent to join in the first place.
I never really got a word in edge-wise.
Not that any of it really mattered.
>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
Sorry Listener, I didn't get your question. I was kind of distracted by that tutu you're wearing in your picture and, um... never mind.
i was raised as a witness and am very thankful that i am out.
having said that, i think my upbringing produced positive qualities in me.
do you believe that anything positive came from your being a witness?
Yes. I have a chapter in my book Escape from Paradise called "Good things can come in small minded packages". The premise of the chapter was to explain all the meetings we did and how they helped me in the end. The one that actually was useful was the ministry school and learning how to be a public speaker. I think I started that school at 8 years old and it had a positive effect on me.
By the time I was older and went to college I was able to do effective public communication even though I took more courses on public speaking and even joined Toastmasters. I was always kind of ahead of my classmates in those courses because I was a JW and we all just did public speaking as a matter of course.
The hard lessons I learned from that "ministry school" has paid off for me even up to today. I do public speaking now for my work and I thank in part the JWs for that skill. Yes, I realize I could have learned it from some other place in some other way, but still, I learned it from the JWs.
The other related meeting was the Service Meeting which in part helped me to learn how to overcome objections, create "pitches", practice what you are going to say to "sell" someone, etc.. These are basic sales skills that also proved to be useful to me later in my life, especially at work. I suppose if I didn't need those skills in my job now, I wouldn't notice this, but the fact of the matter for me is I do need them.
So, I do give those elders credit where it's due because good things CAN come in small minded packages.
i find that when i meet people i tend to be very relaxed and will assess them eventually, but i don't want any jw judgmental nonsense, so i allow them a lot of "slack", and take them as they are etc etc.. this has been fine with normal people who have never been a jw, and i have had no problems.. but i find my judgment has been awry with some xjw's, i tend to think that they will have gone through a similar journey to me, and therefore they will have determined, like me, to be a much better person than i was as a jw.. but just the odd xjw has caught me out, and despite giving them many chances, i have found that they are toxic, and simply not the kind of person i wish to have in my life.. i suppose this is down to my naivety, but i just thought that they might have wished to turn out better, not so it seems.. i have to say this is actually the exception, nearly every xjw i know is actually rather lovely, and loving, but not all.
silly me, still hoping for paradise i suppose..
today marks the 1 year anniversary of the release of my second book, "escape from paradise".
i wanted to take the time to thank everyone here who was supportive of this book and for all the great feedback i received on it.
you guys rock.. of course, not all the feedback was pleasant.
Yes, absolutely. The reviewer just didn't understand the "high control" part of the equation and was thinking of the JWs as any other religion you could just quit. That is why I had to apologize... I felt it must have been my fault that I didn't explain it properly, which was at least part of the purpose of my writing the book in the first place: I wanted the never-JW to comprehend what it is like being a JW, and then to become an ex-JW.
For this guy, I totally failed.
today marks the 1 year anniversary of the release of my second book, "escape from paradise".
i wanted to take the time to thank everyone here who was supportive of this book and for all the great feedback i received on it.
you guys rock.. of course, not all the feedback was pleasant.
Hoffnung, Thank you.
I usually don't respond to reviews, but the guy had it so wrong I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought perhaps he just misunderstood the book's premise. After his response to mine I realized I was dealing with an idiot who took the word "Escape" from my title completely literally. He said I didn't "escape", so my title was a lie and that's why the book earned a 1 star review.
I suppose there is no way someone can "escape" from mental bondage? For him, it had to be a literal escape from ropes, chains or a prison cell in order for it to not be "a lie", as he put it.
The hilarious thing is, at one point in his rambling he declared: "If you had named your book, 'why I left the Watchtower after 35 years' or something like that, THEN that would have been OK."
I wanted to respond to that, "Well, sir, that actually IS the book's subtitle... so, subtitle's don't count?"
today marks the 1 year anniversary of the release of my second book, "escape from paradise".
i wanted to take the time to thank everyone here who was supportive of this book and for all the great feedback i received on it.
you guys rock.. of course, not all the feedback was pleasant.
Truthexplorer - thanks for the shout out.
ToesUp - I hope that happens too! I really don't know why more ex-Bethelites don't write about it.
Muddy Waters - Wow, that is a powerful endorsement. I hope someday you can finish my book and that you can heal from all the hurt. I would love to know if the book helps you in any way. Thanks so much dear.